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7 Ways To Get Motivated To Exercise

Writer's picture: Mindy G.Mindy G.

You've probably heard the usual motivators for getting in more exercise.

And you might have even tried a few... recruiting a work out buddy to keep you accountable, or purchasing a new pair of fun sneaks to motivate yourself to lace up for a walk.

But sometimes those tried and true tricks just don’t cut it and you need a motivator that will bring some life, energy and FUN back into your fitness. You want something that highlights the reward so you can get excited about doing it. And you need some techniques that are going to make it easier for you to make it happen, and keep on happening.

This is your opportunity to make a fresh start and practice self-care. And trust me, you'll be so glad you did! Because the truth is no one ever finished their walk, bike ride, or strength training session wishing they hadn't done it.

Nope. Those feel good endorphins make you feel like the rockstar you are! Which leaves you motivated and inspired to do it again. And my friend, that is how you create a healthy habit.

So don’t let fatigue, stress, lack of know how, or negative self-talk keep you from achieving your move more goals. Check out these 7 surprising ways to get motivated to exercise.

7 ways to get motivated to exercise

Here are seven surprising ways to get motivated to exercise when all you want to do is binge watch Netflix.

1) Make Your Workout Part of Your Favorite Thing.

What do you love doing? Skiing? Rock climbing? Hiking? Kayaking? Tennis? Get out there and DO IT! Even when you can’t make that thing your workout, every one of those activities relies on certain muscle groups and skills. You know that an upper body work out will help you kayak further and faster. Squats will make hiking that mountain a breeze. Leg curls and standing calf raises will up your tennis game. Ab work will make you better at pretty much everything! Tie your workout to your passion. You will think about your work out differently. It’s a brain changer!

2) Only Do The Thing Once The Exercise is Done.

I have to admit, this one works really well for me, our kiddo and yep, even our pup! I kid you not. If you tell yourself the Netflix, glass of wine, chocolate, video games or doggie treats have to wait until AFTER the movement is done, you're far more likely to make it happen. Even if it's just 10 minutes! This is how you create a healthy habit, make it a priority and give yourself a little reward at the end too. I can't tell you how many times I've snuck in a workout at 8p.m. so I can reap the reward after or our kiddo has agreed to go for a walk around the neighborhood knowing he could enjoy some iPad time once we got home. Seriously, it works!

Listen to an audio book

3) Get Motivated to Exercise by Listening to an Audio Book or Podcast.

Most of us wish we had more time to read or listen to our favorite podcast. Who doesn’t love a great listen to pull us out of our daily grind? Choose an audio book or podcast you’ve been dying to dive into but just haven't been able to find the time for. The trick is to ONLY listen to it while you're exercising. Getting to the good and juicy part just might be what you need to keep you walking further or in the gym a little longer.

4) Compete with EVERYONE.

Contrary to my normal healthy living advice of don’t make your journey a competition, in this case I'm going to give you a pass. If you're the competitive type like I am, it can make your workout more interesting when you make everyone a workout buddy. When you head to the stairclimber, treadmill or elliptical, notice who's around you. If the person next to you is on the machine for twenty minutes, you can challenge yourself to go thirty.

Is your workout outdoors or in your home? See that person walking a dog a block ahead of you? You can pass them! Maybe you're on the Peloton, who can you pass on that leaderboard? Use your surroundings and other people in them to motivate you to dig a little deeper in your fitness, they don't need to know you're competing!

create post it notes of motivation

5) Use Post-it Notes to Get Motivated to Exercise.

Buy yourself a big stack of multi colored post its and get cracking. Write down your goal weight, motivational quotes, exercise goals, deadlines, how you are going to feel when you start seeing results—whatever will fuel your drive to move—and stick them everywhere. Put those notes on your bathroom mirror, in your closet, on the hangers of clothes that are a little too tight, on the visor in your car, on the fridge, on your remote, on your desktop, next to your cell phone charger. Every time you work out, grab one note and destroy it. You’ll see all those colorful bits of clutter disappearing along with your extra pounds.

Don’t think a few silly post-it notes will get you motivated to exercise? I have used them for years for all sorts of motivating and inspiring reminders. From keeping on deadlines, to reminding me of my WHY, to celebrating strengths and rising to new challenges.

Every time I see one they make me smile and remind me to keep moving forward (my mantra). It's so motivating to see words of wisdom and inspiration sprinkled around my house... especially on days I want to beat myself up or talk myself out of doing something that I know will be incredibly rewarding for mind, body and spirit!

choose a scenic route

6) Choose a Scenic Route and Selfie All the Way.

This is the age of Social Media. And the truth is for a lot of us we often have the mindset of, “If I don’t post it, did it really even happen?” We’re all on a quest for great pics that tell the story, so make your workout a beautiful trek and take great shots of the scenery or a sweaty post workout selfie. When you finish you’ll not only have the satisfaction of having crushed your workout, you’ll also have a great post to remind you that you DID it!

And be sure to tag @coachmindy the next time you post so I can cheer you on!

7) Think About Your Haters and Make Them MOTIVATORS.

We all have someone who can make us feel a little “less than” whether it’s an ex, a co-worker, a family member, or even a “friend.” I’m talking about those people who seem to say or do little things designed to whittle away at our confidence. The ones who don't think we'll make it happen, wonder why we bother and are basically waiting for us to fail.

Look, haters exist. But instead of letting it bring you down, use that energy to fuel your next workout! Show them and YOU all you're really capable of by getting stronger, faster, and even better than you ever could have imagined. When they go low, you go high. Don't let someone else’s negativity tear away at your confidence or destroy your goals. This is YOUR life and you deserve to live it healthy and happy.

keep it simple

Keep it simple. Set a realistic goal for yourself. Commit to it and hold yourself accountable by declaring it. Whether it's telling your partner, deciding on one as a family, posting a calendar to check the days off on your pantry door or posting it on social media. There are so many ways you can make it easier to show up for yourself! And as you show up for yourself, you boost confidence, feel pride and are naturally more motivated to keep it going.

For me making it FUN is the best motivator of all. I'm not going to sign up to do something i dread. It's just not going to happen. And the way you find your fun is to try out different things. Over the years I've done swimming, running, kickboxing, strength training, yoga, hiking, biking, rowing, HIIT, and on and on. It's how I found what works best for me, my lifestyle and my goals. And my workouts have changed and evolved over the years as my likes, interests and lifestyle have too. So don't be afraid to EXPLORE.

The key is to just get started. Because the truth is there is no "right" time to do it. You have to take the time and make it right, messy or unsure, and just do it.

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